Our Board

Cllr Anne McCrory, Chair

Voting Member
Brian Moore

Brian Moore, NHS Lanarkshire Nominated Non Executive

Vice Chair

Nauman Dar, NHS Lanarkshire Nominated Non Executive

Voting Member

Cllr Claire Barclay, NLC Nominated Councillor

Voting Member

Cllr Bob Burgess, NLC Nominated Councillor

Voting Member

Philip Couser, NHS Lanarkshire Nominated Non Executive

Voting Member

Cllr Paul Kelly, NLC Nominated Councillor

Voting Member

Siobhan White, NHS Lanarkshire Nominated Non Executive

Voting Member

Dr Kenneth Dagg, Consultant in Geriatric Medicine, Acute Division

Non-Voting Member

Alison Gordon, Head of Children, Families & Justice Services

Non-Voting Member

Dr Josephine Pravinkumar, Director of Public Health

Non Voting Member

Dr Tyra Smyth, General Practitioner

Non Voting Member

Maddy Halliday, Chief Executive VANL, Third Sector Representative

Stakeholder Member

Cathy McGinty, Unison, Staff Side Representative (NHSL)

Stakeholder Member

Harry Robertson, North Lanarkshire Carers Together, Carer Representative

Stakeholder Member

Elizabeth Seaton, Partnership for Change, User Representative

Stakeholder Member

John Watson, Unison, Employee Representative (NLC)

Stakeholder Member


The Scottish Government has set out nine national health and wellbeing outcomes  that we, along with every other health and social care partnership in Scotland, has to work towards.

These are the goals we are looking to achieve for the people of North Lanarkshire.

National Health and Wellbeing Outcomes

  1. People are able to look after and improve their own health and  wellbeing and live in good health for longer;
  2. People, including those with disabilities or long term conditions or who are frail, are able to live, as far as reasonably practicable,  independently and at home or in a homely setting in their community;
  3. People who use health and social care services have positive  experiences of those services, and have their dignity respected;
  4. Health and social care services are centred on helping to maintain or improve the quality of life of people who use those services;
  5. Health and social care services contribute to reducing health  inequalities;
  6. People who provide unpaid care are supported to look after their own health and wellbeing, including reducing any negative impact of their caring role on their own health and wellbeing;
  7. People using health and social care services are safe from harm;
  8. People who work in health and social care services feel engaged with the work they do and are supported to continuously improve the information, support, care and treatment they provide; and
  9. Resources are used effectively and efficiently in the provision of health and social care services.

Success Indicators

Integration of Health and Care in North Lanarkshire will be a success if:

  • We improve the outcomes for people;
  • People are healthier;
  • Children are given the best start in life;
  • People are fully included in the decisions that affect them;
  • We play our full part in reducing inequalities within our communities;
  • People are less reliant on services and are able to live independently;
  • People are better able to manage their own conditions;
  • People receive the right support and services for their individual needs;
  • Preventive measures reduce long-term health conditions;
  • People only access hospital when they need to;
  • People are discharged from hospital as soon as they are able;
  • More people can choose to die at home;
  • Carers receive the support they need and feel supported;
  • We improve outcomes for offenders, communities and victims;
  • Our data provides an accurate assesment of the needs of our communities;
  • Multi agency teams function well within localities;
  • We work within available finances and resources;
  • Staff feel valued and that their work is worthwhile.



    In North Lanarkshire, NHS Lanarkshire and North Lanarkshire Council have integrated the planning and delivery of all community health and social care services.

    This work is led and directed by the North Lanarkshire Integration Joint Board, with the council and health board working together to deliver the services of Health & Social Care North Lanarkshire.

    Equality Impact Assessment

    The Equality Act 2010 and Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) (Scotland) Regulations 2012 hold public bodies accountable for advancing equality and protecting people with protected characteristics rights within Scottish society. Integration Joint Boards, the local governing bodies that have devolved responsibility for the planning and monitoring of community health and social care services in their area of Scotland, were added to the public bodies listed in the Equality Act (general and specific duties) in June 2015.

    Key Staff

    Claire brings a wealth of experience in health and social care with her leadership expected to further enhance the partnership’s ongoing community services.

    She joined NHS Lanarkshire in 2015, and in her previous role, Claire served as the head of health and social care at South Lanarkshire HSCP.

     Claire’s fundamental aim is to improve the health, wellbeing, and quality of life for North Lanarkshire’s people and communities.

     Former positions include board’s head of the Physiotherapy Service, and physiotherapy manager at University Wishaw Hospital.

    Claire Rae

    Chief Officer

    Morag has a lead role in strategic planning and works collaboratively with a wide range of stakeholders to achieve improved outcomes and address inequalities.

    Morag Dendy

    Morag Dendy

    Head of Planning, Performance & Quality

    Diane directly supports the strategic aims of the IJB and Council, by taking a leading role in developing and providing high standard, holistic and integrated adult social work and care services, with a focus on providing excellent quality support and care and positive outcomes for all adult service users and their carers across North Lanarkshire. 

    Diane Fraser

    Chief Officer (Adult Social Work Services)

    Lucy advises the chief officer on medical matters. She has medical leadership responsibility for our hosted services as well as providing professional support for occupational health. 

    Lucy Munro

    Dr Lucy Munro

    Medical Director

    Maggs has strategic and operational responsibility for the leadership and provision of the partnership’s clinical services as well as those provided on a Pan-Lanarkshire basis.

    Maggs Thomson

    Maggs Thomson

    Head of Health

    Trudi has strategic and operational leadership responsibility for the partnership’s delivery of person-centred, safe and effective nursing services and clinical practice.

    Trudi Marshall

    Trudi Marshall

    Nurse Director

    Organisational Chart

    Key Staff - Who's Who

    Area wide service leads support a whole system approach, ensuring professional standards are met and excellent services are provided through professional leadership and oversight.  

    Programme Office Coordinates the Strategic Commissioning Plan, manage day-to-day governance of health and social care and support the operational heads with performance management, inspections, enquiries, briefings and complaints

    Maria leads and manages the team enabling the delivery of high quality services through effective business planning and quality assurance programmes.     

    She has responsibility for procurement, contracting and monitoring. Other responsibilities include dealing with complaints, information governance, and carer and advocacy work.  

    Maria Williamson

    Senior Manager, Quality Assurance

    Morag has a lead role in strategic planning within the partnership including delivery of the Strategic Commissioning Plan Programme of Work and associated improvement plans.    

    Morag leads in the production of strategic plans, increasing integrated working, and commissioning and contracting.  

    Morag Dendy

    Morag Dendy

    Head of Planning, Performance & Quality

    Graeme leads on the overall development of strategy and performance for the partnership,  supporting an intelligence led culture where effective data informs service development and outcomes for people, population and place.  

    Graeme Cowan

    Senior Manager, Strategy & Performance

    Stephen is responsible for leading an integrated approach to performance management, supporting the planning, management and provision of all clinical, non-clinical and community based services within North Lanarkshire, by analysis and reporting of quantitative and qualitative intelligence and performance information. 

    Stephen Forrest

    Performance Manager

    Stacey is responsible for providing management, business and administration support to the Chief Officer, the partnership’s management team and the Integrated Joint Board.    

    This includes a particular focus on projects around service improvement, risk management and implementation of governance frameworks.   

    Stacey Anderson

    Operations & Business

    Sharon plays a key role in supporting the development of the SLT and locality staff.  

    This includes involvement in the Leading Integration programme and playing a lead role in engagement and participation surrounding the Strategic Commissioning Plan.  

    She is the lead for supporting our staff and partner agencies to work in a more integrated way in localities.

    Sharon Rodgers

    Organisational Development

    Operational Heads  Senior leaders from health and social care who are leading the design and implementation of integrated locality management arrangements, ensuring services (advice, support and care) are delivered in the most efficient, effective, safe and person-centred way

    Maggs has strategic and operational responsibility for the leadership and provision of the full range of clinical services in the partnership including those providing care on Pan-Lanarkshire basis. 

    She works with the Head of Adult Social Work, leading the design and implementation of integrated locality management arrangements to ensure services are delivered in the most efficient, effective, safe and person-centred way. 

    Maggs Thomson

    Maggs Thomson

    Head of Health

    Diane directly supports the strategic aims of the IJB and Council, by taking a leading role in developing and providing high standard, holistic and integrated adult social work and care services, with a focus on providing excellent quality support and care and positive outcomes for all adult service users and their carers across North Lanarkshire. This aligns fully with the HSCP’s and Council’s agreed priorities and also promotes the Council and IJB’s vision, values and its reputation. Diane works closely with the Head of Adult Health Services and we provide leadership to the Health and Social Work Managers and the area wide Adult Social Work Managers. 

    Diane Fraser

    Chief Officer (Adult Social Work Services)

    Health & Social Work Managers Responsible for leading health & social care integration at locality level

    Raymond is the Health and Social Work Manager for the West Sector which covers Airdrie, Coatbridge and North localities.    

    He leads on winter planning resilience issues for the partnership and is a member of North Lanarkshire Council’s Adoption and Fostering Panel.   

    Raymond Taylor

    Health & Social Work Manager, North West Sector

    Sharon is the Health and Social Work Manager for the East Sector covering Bellshill, Motherwell and Wishaw localities.   

    She has a key role around improving discharge planning, early intervention and working with our wider third sector colleagues.    

    Sharon Simpson

    Health & Social Work Manager, North East Sector

    Senior Managers

    Andrea is one of the senior managers from Adult Social Work who have strategic responsibility for professional leadership, service redesign and delivery.   

    As the Adult Manager for Addiction, Mental Health and Adult Support and Protection she has strategic responsibility for Mental Health service, Addictions, Complex Care, Public Protection and Promoting Choice.  

    Andrea Breen

    Senior Manager, Adult Social Work Services

    Margaret is responsible for Adult Social Work Services.  This involves supporting people who experience challenges in their lives, being mindful of families in their caring role, working with third sector partners and helping people to be solution focused and take more control of their lives with the main focus being preventative and early intervention work. 

    Margaret Flavell

    Senior Manager, Adult Social Work Services

    Karen has the strategic responsibility for the home support service. This includes the operational aspect of the service as well as the redesign. She also has the responsibility for care home placements which includes the ASG. 

    Karen Workman

    Senior Manager, Adult Social Work Services

    Jim has overall operational and strategic management responsibility for a range of healthcare services delivering care to patients across Lanarkshire.    

    He is involved in a range of fora and groups relating to whole system working and unscheduled care. He is also involved in the management of delayed discharge and provides linkages between acute hospital based services and community services.  

    Jim Duffy

    General Manager, Adult Health Services

    Pauline has overall operational and strategic management responsibility for a range of children’s services providing specialist support and care to children and young people across Lanarkshire.   

    She works with wider colleagues within social work, education, commissioned and third sector to ensure services are complementary of a whole system response to children and young people.  

    Pauline Izat

    General Manager, Specialists Children’s Health Services

    Tracy has strategic and operational responsibility for the leadership and provision of the full range of inpatient and community services for Mental Health & Learning Disability across the whole of Lanarkshire as well as Health Addiction services in North Lanarkshire.  

    Tracey Coyle

    General Manager, Mental Health & Learning Disabilities

    Support Advisors Those in lead roles in the delivery of key functions, including Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Finance, Communications and Human Resources

    Amanda is the accountable officer for the effective financial management and administration of the partnership and the Integration Joint Board. 

    Amanda Kilburn

    Chief Financial Officer, Integration Joint Board

    Christine is finance manager for North and South Health budgets within the Health and Social Care Partnerships. Also the finance lead for Primary Care and Family Health Services. A member of both North and South senior management teams as well as NHS Lanarkshire senior finance team.

    Christine McShane

    Chief Finance Manager for Primary & Community Care

    Nicola manages the service area responsible for the day-to-day financial management support to the Adult Social Care and Chief Executive service areas including the strategic financial support for key service initiatives and project boards.  She also leads on the Financial Solutions support for the Community Boards. 

    Nicola Lynch

    Business Finance Manager

    Lianne and her team provide professional financial support, advice and guidance to managers and officers of Adult Social Care. 

    Lianne Herning

    Finance Manager, Adult Social Care

    Mark leads the partnership’s internal and external communications.   

    His role takes in the strategic proactive awareness raising of the partnership’s work as well as proactive and reactive reputation management. 

    Mark Dell

    Communications Manager

    Professional Advisors A cohort of senior professionals from across our partnership, providing advice, direction and support to implement plans

    Joanne has strategic and operational leadership responsibility for the partnership’s delivery of person-centred, safe and effective nursing services and clinical practices.

    Joanne Jenkins

    Nurse Director

    Sharon is the professional lead for community nursing, treatment rooms, care homes and all hosted services within the Adult Unit. 

    Her role includes strategic and operational leadership for ensuring the delivery of person centred, safe and effective nursing services. 

    Sharon Murray

    Associate Director of Nursing

    Marie provides leadership and direction to support the provision of high quality nursing care across the Mental Health, CAMHS, and Learning Disabilities and Addiction services.   

    She leads and manages a team of senior nurses and nurse consultants across in-patient and community services. Marie also has the lead role in a number of areas including infection prevention and control, safe staffing, the safe care plan and Perinatal Mental Health. 

    Marie Rooney

    Associate Director of Nursing, Mental Health, Learning Disabilities and Addictions

    Lucy advises the chief officer on medical matters.   

    She has medical leadership responsibility for North Lanarkshire hosted services as well as providing professional support for occupational health.  

    Her other responsibilities include co-chairing the Local Negotiating Committee of the LMC led by South HSCP, continuing to run GP sessions and representing the partnership on the Lanarkshire Primary Care board

    Dr Lucy Munro

    Medical Director

    Adam is responsible for providing professional leadership on medical issues within Paediatrics and Sexual Health.  

    He is also responsible for providing support to localities, where required, with regard to General Practices in North Lanarkshire.  He also has responsibilities relating to Clinical Governance, and is the Chair of the partnership’s Category 1 Adverse Events Group.

    Dr Adam Daly

    Associate Medical Director

    Kerri is the Head of Health Improvement for NHS Lanarkshire and both health and social care partnerships.   

    She has responsibility for providing overall strategic leadership, planning and management of the Health Improvement function in relation to early intervention and prevention programmes, addressing health inequalities, and population health. 

    Kerri Todd

    Head of Health Improvement

    Vicki is the lead for health improvement across the partnership with a focus on addressing inequalities and promoting a prevention and early intervention approach across all services.   

    Vicki works closely with a wide range of community planning partners and stakeholders to ensure a truly co-ordinated approach to tackling inequalities.   

    Vicki Trim

    Health Improvement Lead

    Peter provides strategic direction to the ten professions under the Allied Health Professions (AHP) banner. He is the principal source of professional advice for NHS Lanarkshire and both health and social care partnerships.  

    He leads on implementing the Lanarkshire Falls Strategy and is one of the key sponsors for the development of NHS Lanarkshire’s rehabilitation strategy.  

    Peter McCrossan

    Director for Allied Health Professions

    Carrie provides professional leadership for Health Visiting, School Nursing, the School Immunisation Team, Integrated Children’s Community Nursing Team, and wards 19 and 20 at University Hospital Wishaw. 

    She works closely with colleagues throughout the partnership to ensure safe and effective nursing services, and evidence based clinical practices centred around the child or young person. 

    Carrie McCulloch

    Associate Director of Nursing – Children’s Services

    Human Resources

    Doreen leads the HR Business Partnership team across NLC Adult Health and Social Care and Children and Families Social Work.   

    She works in partnership with the service to fully understand the key business drivers and to implement business transformation from an HR perspective.  Doreen provides guidance and support to all managers within the service.  

    Doreen Green

    Senior HR Business Partner

    Jan is a member of NHS Lanarkshire’s corporate HR directorate providing professional HR support, advice and guidance in line with best practice, organisational policies and procedures to senior management and leaders across the partnership.    

    She works closely with HR colleagues in North Lanarkshire Council to support the delivery of the overall objectives within the partnership as outlined in the Strategic Commissioning Plan.  

    Jan Hamill

    Human Resources Business Partner

    Our Services

    We’re responsible for planning and commissioning a large number of health and social care services.

    These include all adult and social care community-based health services, as well as some areas of adult hospital care.

    Community-based health services

    • Community-based geriatric medicine
    • Community-based palliative care
    • Community-based paediatrics
    • Community children’s health services
    • Health visiting
    • Community learning disability services
    • Public Health – Health Improvement
    • Community addiction services
    • District nursing
    • Sexual and reproductive health and blood borne viruses
    • Allied Health Professionals (out-patient department, clinic & outside hospitals)
    • Public, general and community dental services
    • Health and homelessness
    • Diabetes service
    • Pharmaceutical services
    • Primary care administration
    • Ophthalmic services

    Hospital-based health services

    • Hospital based addiction/dependence services
    • Hospital based Mental Health services (excluding regional or national forensic services)
    • Physiotherapy
    • Accident & Emergency (A&E)
    • General Medicine
    • Hospital based Geriatric Medicine
    • Rehabilitation Medicine
    • Respiratory Medicine
    • Hospital based Palliative care
    • Hospital based Paediatrics
    • Kidney Dialysis service
    • GP Inpatient services
    • Occupational Health

    Community-based social work services

    • Mental Health services
    • Adults with Disability and Long term conditions
    • Addiction services
    • Occupational Therapy
    • Health and Wellbeing improvement
    • Care Home
    • Adult and Child Protection
    • Carers service
    • Community care assessment and planning
    • Contracted support services
    • Equipment and adaptations, technology and telecare
    • Intermediate care service
    • Aspects of housing support
    • Day opportunities and day services
    • Homecare services
    • Children and families social work
    • Community Justice social work

    Hosted Services

    Health & Social Care North Lanarkshire also runs a number of services for the whole of Lanarkshire – these are known as hosted services.

    The services hosted by us are:

    • Care home liaison
    • Community children’s services
    • Paediatrics
    • Dietetics
    • Mental health and learning disability
    • Psychology
    • Continence services
    • Podiatry
    • Sexual health
    • Speech and language therapy
    • Substance misuse
    • Prisoner health care

    NHS inform

    NHS inform is Scotland’s national health information service. It provides accurate and relevant information to help people make informed decisions about their health and the health of the people they care for.

    NHS inform’s website provides information on:

      Key Documents Policy Documents and Annual Reports


      Please note that some of these files may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. Please contact us to request an accessible format.

      2024 - 2025

      2023 - 2024

      2022 - 2023

      2019 - 2020

      • NL Integration Scheme


      • HSC Annual report


      • HSCNL Annual Performance Report


      • North Lanarkshire IJB Annual Accounts Public Notice 2019-20


      • NL IJB Unaudited Annual Accounts 2019-2020


      • North Lanarkshire IJB Annual Accounts 2019-2020


      • North Lanarkshire IJB External Audit Report 2019-20


      • Integrated Rehabilitation Team Leaflet


      • Questionnaire results summary


      • Ross thanks letter to staff 20th March 2020


      2018 - 2019

      • Achieving Integration 2018-19


      • HSC NL Annual Report 2018-19


      • NL IJB Audited Annual Accounts 2018-19


      • NL IJB Annual Accounts Public Notice 2018-19


      • NL IJB Annual Accounts 2018-19 Unaudited


      • Information Sharing Agreement 25-10-2018


      • Information Sharing Agreement 19-10-2018


      2017 - 2018

      • Achieving Integration 2017.pdf


      • North Lanarkshire IJB Annual Accounts 2017-18


      • North Lanarkshire JIB Guide to Information 2017


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